« Wallpaper As Creation Neue Bude 2.0 »
Collection of decorative papers that combine modern wall sets that give each 20+ generation apartment the right style. The passion for continuing to design your home in a new and individual way connects four types that could not be more different.
Textured cork effect wallpaper, black and metallic gold
Wallpaper metallic gray and gold cork texture
Wallpaper in beige cream and metallic gold cork board effect
Wallpaper with rose and dahlia print
Wallpaper with floral print of red roses
Wallpaper tropical jungle green plants
Green tropical wallpaper, exotic plants
Wallpaper exotic tropical jungle plants white beige
Wallpaper floral tropical jungle pink
Wallpaper jungle plants white and gray
Wallpaper imitation cement concrete wall
Wallpaper industrial imitation gray concrete cement
Wallpaper red and metallic gold damask
Wallpaper black damask with metallic gold
Wallpaper white damask with gray pink medallions
White and metallic silver damask wallpaper
Wallpaper damask white and beige
Wallpaper with textured white painted brick imitation
Wallpaper with textured gray painted brick imitation
Wallpaper with textured imitation brick painted blue
Wallpaper with textured green painted brick imitation