« Wallpaper Casadeco Etamine »
Discover the wallpaper collection Casadeco Etamine, a breath of fresh air with a pleasant fabric-like texture similar to gauze, available in up to 53 colors. Based on a tweed foundation, this 280 g vinyl wallpaper has a speckled grain that gives it the authentic appearance of slightly wrinkled fabric.
Etamine by Casadeco is available in up to 53 colors, simple and versatile, capable of adapting to any decor. With an overlayed relief and a subtle texture, the wallpaper displays lines that form contrasts, coming to life in a beautiful color harmony.
Wallpaper textile effect with polar white wrinkled appearance Casadeco Etamine Blanc Polaire
Wallpaper textile effect with a crumpled white cotton appearance Casadeco Etamine Blanc Coton
Wallpaper with a crumpled white limestone textile effect Casadeco Etamine Blanc Craie
Wallpaper textile effect with a crumpled cream white appearance Casadeco Etamine Blanc Creme
Wallpaper textile effect with a wrinkled white appearance Casadeco Etamine Calcaire
Wallpaper textile effect with a crumpled parchment beige look Casadeco Etamine Beige Parchemin
Wallpaper textile effect with wrinkled stone beige appearance Casadeco Etamine Beige Pierre
Wallpaper textile effect with a wrinkled sandy beige appearance Casadeco Etamine Beige Sable
Wallpaper textile effect with a wrinkled straw beige look Casadeco Etamine Coquille D'oeuf
Wallpaper textile effect with a wrinkled beige appearance Casadeco Etamine Grege
Wallpaper textile effect with wrinkled beige chamois appearance Casadeco Etamine Beige Chamois
Wallpaper textile effect with wrinkled linen beige appearance Casadeco Etamine Lin